The Legal Aid Board has begun deploying six National Youth Service Corps in five office locations in the country. This follows a one-day orientation in Freetown on Tuesday, 23 February 2021. The corps will be stationed in Bo, Kenema, Waterloo and Freetown where they will assist with Paralegal work.
The Executive Director of Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles-told the corps that they should not expect any honeymoon noting that they will get down to work as soon as they arrive in their various duty stations. She added that there is plenty of work to be done.
‘You will learn on the job and there will be no room for excuses and laisser-faire attitude,’ she said, adding ‘You will have a future here if you have the passion and mind-set and more importantly if you are prepared to serve our clients – the poor and vulnerable in the community’.
The National Supervisor, Legal Aid Counsel Mohamed Korie assured the corps that they will get all the support they will need in their work. ‘You will face a lot of pressure because the demand for our services is increasing steadily at the same time you will have a lot of support from Lawyers, Programmes Mangers and Paralegals you will be working with.
The corps were assigned to the Board by the National Youth Service an agency under the Ministry of Youth Affairs. This is the third set of corps assigned to the Legal Aid Board.